Darin Persinger

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9 Ways To Cutting Costs In Your Personal Finances And Real Estate Business

If you want to have a successful and a life with less stress, one good place to start is spend less money than you are making. Yes, I know, I'm Captain Obvious there, but sometimes the simplest things are not the easiest things to do. Since its the day after , you have probably become more aware of finances and . So this is the perfect time to look at some budgeting and control. Here are some quick ideas, that could have impact on your expenses with out too much discomfort.

1. Stop buying

Alternative: Buy Starbucks grounds at the grocery store for $9.99. That will last you the month if not longer. Don't like your coffee black? You can get creamer, syrup or sauce at the store too. I have made many a white mochas at home.

Potential Savings: $100

2. Stop going out for lunch

Alternative: Brown bag it. Bring your own sandwich, some fruit or bring leftovers from dinner last night. Not only will save money, you will save time. Plus you will be eating healthier and smaller portions. Save money and lose weight. NICE!

Potential Savings: $140

Bonus Tip: Invite other agents to do the same and watch my Productivity Nuggets and mastermind.

3. Cancel subscriptions

Alternative: Those magazine, even gym subscriptions can really add up. Start reading blogs.

Potential Savings: $20+

4. Stop Print Marketing - Newspaper/Magazine

Alternative: Start creating your own content and web presence. Prospect more. Use craigslist.

Potential Savings: $500+

5. Check your cell phone bill

Alternative: Many carriers have an Everything Plan or Unlimited Plan. This might cost you a bit more, but you are going to get a lot more out of service, by having unlimited calling minutes, texts and being able to be online. Research and decide what plan is right for you. Spending 10 minutes actually looking at your bill and calling plans could save you some money or get you more services. Also most franchise   offices have special deals for between 10%-20% of your bill. Check with your Broker/Manager/Team Leader.

Potential Savings: TBD

6. Pay bills on time - don't get late fees

Alternative: Banks, companies, even the cable, utilities, etc EVEN your real estate office make huge money off of you paying bills late. Schedule your bills on your banks website, use an AFT, or just pay the bill the day it comes in. With some late fees at $15+ or this adds up

Potential Savings: $50+

7. Don't get ATM fees

Alternative: Banks made over $4 billion in ATM fees in 2008. That's ridic!!! Don't pull the cash out if there is . Just don't do it! Many stores, grocery, fast food offer cash back. Grab the cash there while you are making a purchase already.

Potential Savings: $10-$20+

8. Don't give out gifts at your Broker Opens

Alternative: Just hold a kick ass open house! If you are giving out lottery tickets, or starbucks cards just to attract people, you are going to attract the wrong people.

Potential Savings: $100+

9. Cut out cable tv

Alternative: Sign up for a netflix account and watch television on Hulu.

A better alternative would be to read books or blogs.

The best alternative would be to write a book or blog.

Potential Savings: $50+

BONUS TIPS: Anny Havland, a Mortgage Broker in Bellingham, WA, shared with me a tip on twitter to :

Anny Havland, mortgage broker, tweet about personal finances

Steve Jagger, who operates Ubertor.com, a company that provides websites and online marketing tools to thousands of real estate agents shares:

Cutting Costs In Your Real Estate Business

What suggestions do you have for cutting costs in your personal finances and real estate business?