Darin Persinger

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Productivity Tools For Real Estate Agents From Professional One - Productivity Nugget #148

Note from Productivity Junkies Founder Darin Persinger - I met Michael McClure aka Professional One at the recent Agent Reboot Seattle. Michael is the Founder of the real estate franchise Professional One, thought leader in social media and a great real estate blogger. But that is what Michael does, not who Michael is. I believe he is a passionate, funny, thinker that cares about the real estate industry.

I asked him yesterday what tools does he use and how does he become a Productivity Junkie. Check out his educational and funny  video in Productivity Nugget #148 - Productivity Tools For Real Estate Agents.

Productivity Tools #1  - The Apple iPad

I saw Michael using his iPad in person at the Agent Reboot Seattle event.

Even though he jokes in the video and brings up my lame iPad, I see so many ways that the iPad could be a great productivity tool AND a presentation tool.

Productivity Tools #2 - Apple products in general

All Apple products. I use a Mac. Michael uses a Macbook Pro and his iPad.

Why? It just does thing faster and easier. Having a Mac has saved me many of frustrations. I think this is a good productivity tool.

Productivity Tools #3 - Things - task management on the Mac

Next, Michael shares about Things, a productivity tool and project manager that he can use on his iPad and Macbook Pro. He does point out a draw back to Things is that he can't share your list, info with someone else.

Something I noticed though was that Things costs $50. Interesting the Michael would choose to invest in his business vs. using so many free productivity tools out there, don't ya think?

Productivity Tools #4 - Personal Brain - Mind Mapping

For bigger ideas Michael uses mind maps. And he recommends Personal Brain. I also use mind maps, simply because that is the way my mind works. I doodle with pen and paper and draw out my ideas and thoughts. That is what mind mapping allows you to do. Interesting to see that Michael uses this technique and I might have to check out the tool he uses for it also.

Productivity Tools #5 - Over schedule

I guess he is using the Ben Franklin philosphy "If you want something done, ask a busy person."

Productivity Tools #6 - Accountability Partner/Coach

Michael mentions that his business partner Todd Waller helps keep him focused and  having an accountability partner or a real estate coach could be great productivity tools.

I think this is a great idea and if this is the right time for you to start a coaching relationship with me, feel free to head over to my Productivity Junkies Facebook Page and leave a comment that you are looking for an accountability partner. Maybe you will connect with another Productivity Junkie there.


The Giveaway Portion Of Our Productivity Nugget

Thank you to Michael for sharing these productivity tools for real estate agents. Some great tips and some fun in the video also. I thought to keep you focused on being a Productivity Junkie and to make sure you watched the entire video, I will do a giveaway.

If you would like a Crush It book, autographed by best selling author, Gary Vaynerchuk, be the first to leave a comment below on who made a guest appearance at the end of Michael's video.

Gary Vaynerchuk and Darin Persinger discussing Crush It!

If we already have a winner by the time you get here, please leave a comment with your favorite productivity tool. I would love to have add to the discussion!