Eye Level Marketing - Productivity Nugget #175

Day 24 - Level Spirit What is and how can it help with your and ?

Watch the Productivity Nugget below. Its not so much a nugget as a chunk, but I explain ELM and give you two examples of using level marketing to help price homes to sell and how to generate more from your blog.

As I promised in the video, here is the info on the 10/20 Rule.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you with getting in the front of the of potential clients.

  • How are you getting in front of the eyes of your database, sphere, clients?
  • How are you getting in front of the eyes of potential sellers?
  • How are you getting in front of the eyes of potential buyers?
  • How can you use eye level marketing to generate more leads from your website?
  • How can use this idea to generate more leads at an open house?
  • How can use this idea to price homes better?
  • How can use this idea to generate more referrals?

It doesn't matter if you are a product on a shelf, a listing on the MLS or website online. It is about getting found, being seen and be remarkable enough for the consumer to want to buy.

You can do a lot of activities in your day to day , but if you are not getting found, if you are not being seen, none of it matters.


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