Darin Persinger

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One Of My Biggest Ragrets

I went for a run early today.

It was 42 degrees. Strong, steady rain.

There's something about running in the cold and rain that makes me feel even better about myself.

Which brings me to one of my biggest regrets.

When Katherine and I met, I was in pretty good shape. Like 90 minutes in the gym every day, strict diet kind of shape.

One of the problems of being in that kind of shape is it is not easily sustainable. Not when you're trying to start a new relationship and working 12 hours a day.

It becomes even harder when you start your own business, start traveling 30-40 times a year to speak around North America and are now working 16-18 hours a day.

There was this one time when I was speaking in Philadelphia, staying in a hotel in New Jersey. Flying coast to coast and losing three hours sucks.

Checking into your hotel after midnight sucks.

Being told room service stops serving at midnight sucks even more.

Wandering around the hotel at 1:00 am looking for a vending machine because you haven't had dinner yet and settling on pop-tarts really sucks.

Pop-tarts from a vending machine.

I have a bunch of stories like this.

And stories can become excuses.

These stories became my excuses of why I put on almost 40 lbs over the next few years.

Travel. Work. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Excuses. Stories I told myself. Excuses.

And one of my big regrets is I did let these stories become excuses.

I regret that I wasn't going out for a run each morning.

I could have been getting exercise and taking a little tour of the newest city I was visiting. But instead I had excuses.

I could have been planning and preparing my nutrition better. But instead I was eating pop-tarts from vending machines.

I regret this one one thing because I was gaining weight, losing energy, becoming unhealthy which made me start to resent traveling.

But I shouldn't have resented it. I should have been grateful for the opportunity to see and explore new places.

One of the romantic ideas I have about running ( keeping in mind, I'm not a runner, never was a runner) is that running is simple.

You don't need fancy weight or equipment. You just go run.

It should be much harder to find excuses if you're a runner.

That's the story I'm telling myself now anyways. And why I was out for a run in the cold rain.

It's a lot harder to have regrets when you aren't making excuses.

Next email I'll share with you some of the things I'm most grateful for this year.

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Darin Persinger


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